good and very awesome but...
this flash is very good except you made luigi look weak and so scared, and not brave enough, dude luigi rocks!
good and very awesome but...
this flash is very good except you made luigi look weak and so scared, and not brave enough, dude luigi rocks!
unique fighting
very nice fight.. no wonder you are called NitendoFlash. Nintendo is very awesome and your flash movies are awesome
poor steve
I wish steve wasent so dumb. anyway good movie
great movie. I hope you make a part 2. you must have tooken alot of time on this.
2 reasons
2 reasons why this got an 8. one at the beggeining when the clown came in that killed the 1st girl he cut her head off and started raping it? and two the huge guy had a huge penis. im sorry but thats just weird. I hope you make a part 2
please make more! i love it. and i love your MK PARODYS TOO!
scorpion is a legend
very funny ending. scorpion could take on any character. hes so bad-ass
an explanation
i know how most assholes can be complaining about it should have been longer. like the guy below me. but i dont really care. as long as its funny. like thwomp #2 falling into the fire LMAO!!. and this is funny. i vote a 5.
3 easter eggs
i found 3 easter eggs everybody SO LISTEN UP. at the beggening when the frog gets killed up on the ceiling theres a spike different then the rest. click on it. also when thwomp #2 trys to climb up the ceiling but then crashes blocks with wings help im get up. click on those blocks. and the last one i found is that with thwomp #1 says ITS ON! when twomp #2 says UR GONNA GET PWN click on him.
this flash is tight
i loved every single scene. espcially the get rich or die trying scene. LOL
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